What Causes Psoriasis and What are Its Symptoms?

By | April 25, 2022

Psoriasis is a skin disorder where the skin cells start multiplying at a rate of about 10 times faster than normal. Due to this disorder, the skin gets bumpy red patches. In the red patches, you can also see white scales. A person can grow psoriasis in any part of the body. But this disorder mainly appears in the elbows, knees, scalp, and lower back. This disorder can’t transmit from one to another but if a person has psoriasis, his family member may face the same disorder. This skin disorder usually occurs during early adulthood. In most cases, psoriasis affects the person in somebody’s parts only. But when the condition is severe, a person can face psoriasis on large parts of his body. The red patches of psoriasis can heal but come back again and again. 

What Causes Psoriasis and What are Its Symptoms?

What are the types of Psoriasis?

Plaque psoriasis

This is the most common type of psoriasis. In this condition, the skin gets red and scaly with tiny pustules on the palms and soles. This is a type of chronic autoimmune condition. It can be very itchy and painful. Many times, plaque psoriasis gets misdiagnosed as eczema or dermatitis. In light tone, the skin gets red with inflamed patches. In a dark tone, it gets grayish or purple with dark brown patches. 

Guttate psoriasis

This skin condition usually appears in childhood. The skin gets inflamed and causes irritation and discoloration. Small patches appear on the arms, legs, scalp, and torso. Guttate psoriasis can be thick or raised similar to plaque psoriasis. 

Inverse psoriasis

Inverse psoriasis or hidden psoriasis is a different type of skin condition that affects the skin folds. It occurs on the body parts where the skin rubs against the skin like arms, under a woman’s breast, groin, or inner thigh area. If a person has inverse psoriasis, he might have another type also like plaque psoriasis. 

Pustular psoriasis

This psoriasis condition appears in adults. In pustular psoriasis, the skin gets white with pus-filled blisters. The whole area gets red and the skin gets inflamed. In darker skin tones, the area gets violet. Pustular psoriasis usually affects the small areas of the body like hands or feet. But this condition may get widespread in other parts also. 

Erythrodermic psoriasis

This is a rare and severe type of psoriasis. In this condition, a large part of the body gets affected. The whole skin looks sunburned and the scales develop in the large area. A person may also get a fever or some other illness with erythrodermic psoriasis. 

Nail Psoriasis

This psoriasis condition affects the fingernails and toenails. Due to this, you can see abnormal nail growth or discoloration. Your nails may get loosen or separate from the nail bed. The nails get pitted or easily crumble. 

Causes of Psoriasis

A person can get psoriasis due to various reasons however there is no exact cause. Any abnormality with the immune system causes inflammation that triggers skin cells formation quickly. In humans, the skin cells normally get replaced in 10 to 30 days. But when a person is facing psoriasis, the skin starts growing every 3 to 4 days. Due to this over multiplication of skin cells, the old cells that are being replaced by new ones create the silver scales. The psoriasis condition might run in families. But it does not always appear in the immediate generations. If a person has psoriasis, then his grandson/granddaughter might have this condition without affecting his son/daughter. Several things can trigger psoriasis conditions like emotional stress, cuts, surgery, strep infection, or any type of medicine. 

Symptoms of Psoriasis

The symptoms of psoriasis vary from person to person as there are different skin tones. But there are few common symptoms of psoriasis.

  1. Red patches on skin with thick and silvery scales
  2. Dry or cracked skin
  3. Skin my itch or bleed
  4. Small calling spots 
  5. Swollen and stiff joints
  6. Pitted nails

A person can get psoriasis patches from a few spots on the scalp to the large patches on the skin. Common areas where the skin gets affected are elbows, knees, scalp, palms, feet, and lower back. In most cases, psoriasis for some weeks or months and goes away then reappears after some time. 

Common treatment options for Psoriasis

Several methods are available to reduce the rate of new skin cell growth. The treatment also helps in reducing its symptoms like itching and redness. Your doctor will prescribe the correct treatment depending on the psoriasis condition. Treatment depends on the size of the rash, skin type, age, and other health conditions. 


These medicines are prescribed when a person is facing mild to moderate psoriasis conditions. It is available in creams, gels, locations, ointments, shampoos, sprays, etc. Doctors prescribe mild corticosteroids for sensitive skin such as the face. Stronger corticosteroids creams are applied on less-sensitive areas. Using these drugs for a long time can thin the skin. 

Natural medication

Several natural medicines are also available to reduce this skin condition. With a good psoriasis treatment New York, the symptoms get reduced and your skin will become healthy. These medicines also treat the causes behind the psoriasis condition. People often choose natural medicines for treating skin disorders as they don’t cause harmful side effects and also prevent recurrences. 

Vitamin D analogues and retinoids

A synthetic form of vitamin D is used to slow down skin cell growth. It also helps in reducing irritation in sensitive parts. Retinoids are available in cream and gel forms. But retinoids can irritate and increase sensitivity to light. Some of the retinoids are not recommended to pregnant or breastfeeding women. 

Calcineurin inhibitors, salicylic acid, and coal tar

Calcineurin inhibitors help in reducing inflammation. These medicines are often used in sensitive areas where you can’t use steroid creams. Salicylic acids are available in shampoos that help in reducing irritation and inflammation. Coal tar is used to reduce itching, scaling, and inflammation. 

Light therapy

Light therapy is used to treat any type of psoriasis but it is often used to treat severe psoriasis. Doctors often suggest only medicines and creams for minor to moderate psoriasis. In this therapy, the skin gets exposed to controlled amounts of light. Your doctor will tell you which type of light therapy is best for your skin condition. Daily sunlight is also helpful to treat psoriasis naturally. Other than sunlight, doctors may suggest UVB broadband, UVB narrowband, psoralen plus ultraviolet A or excimer laser treatment for psoriasis.