Homeopathic Cures and Treatments for Erectile Dysfunction

By | January 20, 2022

Erectile dysfunction is a condition where the man faces difficulty getting an erection. A man requires an erection for sexual penetration. This situation can also lead to impotency in the person. But proper treatment can prevent any bad situation. Today, there are various types of treatments available for erectile dysfunction. 

Homeopathic Cures and Treatments for Erectile Dysfunction

Main causes of erectile dysfunction

  1. Improper blood flow and hormone secretion can cause erectile dysfunction in men
  2. Sometimes vascular and neurological causes can also result in this situation
  3. Atherosclerosis is a disease that occurs due to diabetes and smoking. In this illness, the arteries to the penis get clogged and narrow which lead to erectile dysfunction
  4. Hypertension and high BP can damage the arteries of the vascular system. Due to this, the blood can’t flow properly and the person faces erectile dysfunction
  5. Diabetic neuropathy is one of the main neurological causes of erectile dysfunction. Surgery around the pelvis leads to nerve damage and cause erectile dysfunction

Physical causes for erectile dysfunction

  1. Parkinson’s disease 
  2. High cholesterol and obesity
  3. Some Surgical complications
  4. Disorder in the anatomy of the penis
  5. Smoking and alcohol abuse
  6. Several medications 
  7. Surgical complications

Psychological causes for erectile dysfunction

  1. Depression can also cause erectile dysfunction issues. Due to depression, libido reduces and causes ED.
  2. Sometimes performance anxiety can result in this situation
  3. Lots of tension, stress, fear or any type of anxiety can also cause erectile dysfunction.
  4. Some men face this condition when they have poor communication with their partner or have any kind of pressure regarding sex.

Symptoms of erectile dysfunction

  1. Issues in attaining the erectile
  2. The main symptom of this condition is attaining sexual arousal for a particular time. Due to this, the person can’t perform well in his sexual activities and may cause issues in the relationship.
  3. Issues in maintaining the erection time
  4. For a healthy sexual activity, you require a good erectile. But when the person has erectile dysfunction, maintaining the erectile becomes difficult.
  5. Reduced sexual power and desire
  6. When the person is facing issues in erectile, the sexual energy and desire get also reduced. This condition leads not only to physical but also mental harm. 

Homeopathic remedies for erectile dysfunction

Agnus Castus

Agnus castus is the most common homeopathic remedy for erectile dysfunction. This medication is beneficial when the person is facing impotency issues after leading a life with frequent and intense sex. Agnus castus is prescribed when the person is very anxious about his ability, health, and problems in concentration. 


This homeopathic remedy is prescribed when the person is dealing with memory issues. Due to lower self-confidence, the person faces erectile dysfunction. The person may also have digestive problems. This homeopathic remedy helps in boosting confidence and memory. 


Caladium is a homeopathic remedy that is prescribed when the genitals are completely limp. The person has a sexual interest and may have nocturnal emission without erections. The person may crave tobacco. This remedy helps in having an erection.

Selenium Metallicum

This remedy is given when the man is facing sexual inability after facing some illness like fever. The body feels exhausted or may face hair loss. Selenium metallicum improves the body condition and helps in recovering the sexual condition. 

Other homeopathic remedies

Along with the main remedies, some other homeopathic remedies can help in improving sexual desire and treating erectile dysfunction in men. With erectile dysfunction treatment New York, get the remedies to fix your emotional and physical causes behind this illness.

Argentum Nitricum

This homeopathic medication is given when the man fails to erect during sexual intercourse. The condition gets worse when he starts thinking about it. This remedy is prescribed mainly when the person is facing erectile dysfunction due to nervousness or some other psychological issues. 


Staphysagria is prescribed to men who are very shy and feel embarrassed. Those people may be dealing with emotional suppression. Staphysagria is a good remedy for fixing the illness.


Causticum is given to the person when he is losing sexual urges. He starts feeling tired and weak and can also experience memory loss. Caustium helps in improving the sexual urges in men. 

Other natural remedies for erectile dysfunction

Weight loss

Obesity can also cause erectile dysfunction. Losing weight helps in improving blood vessel health. When a person is facing any symptoms of erectile dysfunction then weight loss often shows positive results.


Many types of research show that regular exercises help in preventing symptoms of ED. People often get erectile dysfunction due to obesity, or cardiovascular issues. Regular exercise for about 30-40 minutes a day including, bicycling, skiing, brisk walking, running, etc lowers the stress and improves testosterone level.


A good and balanced diet can maintain sexual function. When a person takes a proper diet, the chances of developing erectile dysfunction get reduced. Some good food items for treating erectile dysfunction are vegetables, fruits, nuts, fish, legumes, etc. 

Proper Sleep

Good sleep is very beneficial for treating erectile dysfunction. This condition can occur due to stress or depression. Sleep is helpful for stress release and can also be good for lowering ED symptoms. 

Some other natural remedies for treating erectile dysfunction are alcohol reduction, smoking cessation, couple counseling, sex therapy, psychotherapy, etc. Whenever a person faces any symptom of erectile dysfunction, he should immediately seek help and get proper treatment.