What is Arthritis and What are Its Treatment Options?

By | March 26, 2022

Arthritis refers to the joints inflammation condition. This condition can occur to one or multiple joints. It is an umbrella term as there are more than a hundred types of arthritis. The most common type is Osteoarthritis. Some other common arthritis includes gout, rheumatoid arthritis, and psoriatic arthritis. A person gets its symptoms over time. But some people may get arthritis symptoms suddenly. Osteoarthritis usually appears after the age of 50. But it may appear earlier if the person is overweight. 

What is Arthritis and What are Its Treatment Options?

Common symptoms of arthritis

  1. Joint pain
  2. Stiffness in joints
  3. Swelling
  4. Limited range of motion
  5. Clicking with bending
  6. Instability of the joints
  7. Granting feeling in the knees
  8. Weak muscles around the joints

The pain of arthritis gets worse in the morning after getting out of bed. Standing after a long rest causes more pain in the joints. 

What are the common causes of arthritis?

  1. Tear of joints due to overuse
  2. Age factor
  3. Obesity
  4. Gender
  5. Bone injury 
  6. Heredity
  7. Autoimmune disorders
  8. Muscle weakness

What is Osteoarthritis?

This is the most common type of arthritis that mainly occurs due to normal wear and tear. Any type of injury or infection can result in the breakdown of cartilage tissues. The cartilage protects your joining by absorbing all the pressure while walking. Arthritis occurs when the number of cartridge tissues is reduced from the normal amount. Osteoarthritis may run in heredity.

What is Rheumatoid arthritis?

Rheumatoid arthritis is a type of autoimmune disorder. This condition appears when the body’s immune system attacks the tissues. Due to this, your joints (or other body parts) get inflamed. Inflammation affects the synovium and results in bone and cartilage damage. There is no known cause behind the autoimmune disorder. 

Treatment options for arthritis

In most cases, arthritis results in chronic pain. The main purpose of the treatment is to minimize the pain and improve joint strength and mobility. There are lots of treatment options available for arthritis. The treatment options depend on person to person. After the treatment, the person gets good pain relief but the condition may get worse. 

Occupational therapy

This is a common therapy suggested by the doctor when the arthritis is in the starting stage. Instead of taking medicines or any treatment, some changes in normal activities can help. Your occupational therapist will help you to learn numerous ways to perform daily activities. Some common things to learn in occupational therapies are:

Avoid several positions that cause more pressure on the joints

Use braces to project certain joints

Try to use the strongest joints to reduce pressure on weaker ones

Make use of modified canes, walkers, and doorknobs


There are lots of medication options available for reducing arthritis pain. These medicines depend on the type of arthritis.


Analgesics like acetaminophen or hydrocodone are commonly used to reduce pain. But this remedy is not effective to reduce inflammation.


Common steroids such as prednisone are used to minimize inflammation. But these medicines should be taken for a short time.

Menthol creams

Several creams are available that block the pain signals transmissions of arthritis.  


Lots of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are available for pain management such as ibuprofen, salicylates, etc. Salicylates can also help in thinning the blood. 


These medicines are prescribed when the other medications are not providing any help. Immunosuppressants are mainly prescribed when a person is facing severe pain.

Dynamic medication

Dynamic or natural medication is also a good alternative for treating chronic pain like arthritis. A dynamic chronic pain treatment Pennsylvania can help in reducing inflammation and pain. The remedies depend on the type of arthritis and symptoms. Opting for natural medication is a better option as these medicines are safe. Using allopathy reduces the pain but may lead to more damage to the joints. But natural medications help in treating the joints. These medications reduce the pain and help in muscle strengthening. The person may not get instant relief life allopathic medicines but are fully safe for the body. Common homeopathic remedies for arthritis pain are Aconitum napellus, Arnica, Belladonna, Bryoni, etc.


Several surgery options are available to ease arthritis pain and discomfort. If the person is dealing with lots of pain then he may need a surgical replacement. Hip and knee joints can be replaced with artificial ones. People can also go for other replacement surgery like shoulder joints, elbow, or finger joints. 

For lower spine arthritis, spinal surgery is performed. After this surgery, the neck moment becomes limited but provides better relief. The surgery also prevents any future damage to your blood vessels or nerves. 

Natural pain management for arthritis pain

Manage the weight

One of the biggest factors that affect arthritis pain is weight. If the person is overweight, the joints have to bear more pressure. Being overweight affects the knee, hips, and feet joints. When a person is overweight, he may get arthritis in his early forties. If you are getting arthritis pain then try to reduce your weight. It will help to ease the pain, improve mobility, and prevent any future damage. 

Proper exercise

Good exercise can help in arthritis pain management. It helps in managing weight and improves muscle strength. Exercises also help in improving joint flexibility. Common exercises to manage arthritis are cycling, walking, swimming, etc. The person must talk to any trainer or physiotherapist before starting the exercises as some exercises may cause more damage to the muscles. 

Try hot and cold therapy

Heat treatment is helpful in reducing the stiffness of the joints. This treatment includes a warm shower or heating pad. You can also use the electric blanket overnight to ease the discomfort. Cold treatment is helpful in providing instant relief from arthritis pain. It helps to reduce swelling and inflammation. Use an ice pack and apply it to the painful joints. Do not use ice directly on the skin.

Eat healthy diet

Good food helps in improving the immunity system. You should eat a diet that provides antioxidants. It will remove the free radicals and help in reducing inflammation. You can also add turmeric to your food and drinks. It contains lots of anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Turmeric contains curcumin which is helpful in reducing arthritis pain. Some other food items to ease arthritis pain are nuts, dark leafy greens, green tea, garlic and onions, berries, etc.