What is Psoriasis and How to Treat This Condition?

By | March 28, 2022

Psoriasis is a type of skin disorder that results in extra cell multiplication. The condition can cause cell development 10 times faster. Due to this condition, the skin becomes bumpy red and covered with white scales. A person can get Psoriasis anywhere but it mostly appears on the elbows, knees, scalp, and lower back. This is not a transferable disease however it may run on genes. A person usually gets this condition in his early adulthood. Usually, it covers only a few parts of the body. But when the condition is severe; psoriasis may cover a big body part. These psoriasis patches can heal using medicines but then come back anytime.

What is Psoriasis and How to Treat This Condition?

Symptoms of psoriasis

The symptoms of psoriasis differ on skin type and the psoriasis type. But some common symptoms mainly appear in psoriasis. 

  1. Plaques of red skin
  2. Silver-colored scales
  3. Discoloration and pitting of fingernails and toenails
  4. Plaques of scales on the scalp
  5. Sometimes nails get crumble
  6. Detaching nails from the nail bed

Many people with psoriasis also get psoriatic arthritis. Due to this, people’s joints get swollen and start aching. 

Types of psoriasis conditions

Pustular psoriasis

In this condition, psoriasis appears on the palms and soles. The skin becomes red and scaly. 

Inverse psoriasis

It appears on the folded skin like under the breast, armpits, groin area. The skin gets red and shiny linings to appear on it. 

Erythrodermic psoriasis

This causes skin redness and shedding of scales. Erythrodermic gets triggered by infection, sunburn, medication, etc. Due to this condition, the scale starts shredding in sheets. This condition must be treated immediately as it may lead to serious illness. 

Guttate psoriasis

A person can get this condition in childhood or young adulthood. It causes small red spots usually on limbs and torso. Guttate psoriasis may get triggered by strep throat, respiratory infection, stress, skin injury, or some medications. 

What causes Psoriasis skin disorder?

There is no exact cause behind the Psoriasis condition. But people get this due to some combination of things. Some issues in the immune system lead to inflammation and trigger skin cells formation quickly. The skin cells are replaced in 10-30 days at a normal rate. But when a person gets Psoriasis, the skin starts growing every 3-4 days. The new scalp appears and the old cells get buildup that creates silver scales. 

This condition can run in families but may skip generations. If a person has psoriasis then his children won’t always get it. Sometimes it may appear on his grandchildren. Several things can trigger the outbreak of psoriasis such as emotional stress, surgery, cuts, medications, etc.

Treatment options for Psoriasis

The treatment for psoriasis means reducing the skin’s growing speed. Several medications and therapies are available to treat psoriasis. The treatment options depend on the type of psoriasis a person has. A person may have different treatment options from a person who is also dealing with Psoriasis. 

Topical therapy


This drug is prescribed to treat mild psoriasis conditions. These are available as gels, lotions, ointments, creams, sprays, and shampoos. Mild corticosteroids are recommended for sensitive skin areas like skin folds, or the face. This drug is prescribed only for some time as long-term use can thin the skin. 


These are available in cream and gel and have to be applied twice a day. Retinoids may cause skin irritation and increase the sensitivity to light. 

Vitamin D analogous

Vitamin D in synthetic forms like calcipotriene and calcitriol helps in reducing the skin cells’ growth. People can use these drugs alone or with topical corticosteroids. 

Salicylic acid

This is used to reduce scalp psoriasis. This is available in shampoos and scalp solutions. You can use these products alone or can use other options to get better results.

Coal tar

This is well known to minimize itching, scaling, and inflammation. Coal tar is available as OTC or in the form of cream, shampoo, and oil. But these products can irritate the skin. This is not recommended for pregnant and breastfeeding women. 

Calcineurin inhibitors

Tacrolimus and pimecrolimus are calcineurin inhibitors that are used to reduce inflammation. They are mainly used on thin skin like around the eyes. 

Natural medication

Lots of natural medications like Homeopathy and Ayurveda are also available for Psoriasis. These remedies reduce the redness, itchiness, and inflammation. With a Psoriasis treatment New York, you can get good help in easing the redness and itchiness in the skin and scalp. With proper natural treatment, the recurrence of psoriasis can be reduced. It helps to fight the factors that can trigger psoriasis. These remedies may take more time to show results but always have positive results. Using natural medication doesn’t cause any harmful side effects to the body.

 Light Therapy

This therapy is used to treat moderate to severe psoriasis. Light therapy can be done alone or with medications. In this therapy, the therapist exposes the skin to controlled amounts of natural or artificial light. 


Daily exposure to sunlight can help in improving psoriasis. Before exposing the skin directly to the sunlight, consult with your doctor. 

UVB broadband

Controlled doses of UVB broadband light are helpful to treat psoriasis patches. This therapy is used when the medication is not showing any positive results. 

UVB narrowband

This therapy is considered more helpful than UVB broadband. UVB therapy is done twice or thrice a week. But this therapy can cause more severe and long-lasting burns. 


Psoralen plus ultraviolet A involves light sensitizing medications before exposure to UVA light. The light penetrates to the deeper layer of skin and psoralen increases skin sensitivity to UVA exposure.

Excimer laser

This is also a type of light therapy where a strong UVB light is used to target the affected area. Excimer therapy requires fewer sessions because they use powerful UVB light. A person may get side effects like blistering and redness.

Home remedies

Some home remedies can be helpful to reduce the inflammation and redness of psoriasis. You should eat a diet that can help in reducing Psoriasis symptoms like milk thistle, fish oil, etc. But you should talk to the doctor before taking these items. Always maintain your skin moisture. You can use skin creams and humidifiers to prevent skin dryness. Apply aloe gel to the affected skin; it will reduce itchiness and redness. Don’t use chemical fragrance items like deodorants as they can cause skin irritation. Avoiding alcohol and smoking can also help in reducing psoriasis symptoms. Maintaining your weight can be helpful as being overweight may also trigger psoriasis symptoms.