What can Cause Dermatitis and How to Treat It?

By | June 27, 2022

Dermatitis is a type of skin inflammation condition. When a person has dermatitis, the skin looks swollen, dry, and discolored. There are numerous types of dermatitis due to different reasons but this condition is not contagious. The most common type of dermatitis is atopic dermatitis, contact dermatitis, and seborrheic dermatitis. This condition is not life-threatening but it makes you self-conscious and uncomfortable. Regular moisturizing can help to reduce dryness and itchiness. 

What can Cause Dermatitis and How to Treat It?

Types of dermatitis

There are numerous types of dermatitis. Some dermatitis appears in periods whereas some dermatitis can last for a long time. 

Contact dermatitis

Contact dermatitis occurs when some type of substance touches the body and it causes some reaction. This skin reaction causes rashes that itch, burn, or grow into blisters. Contact dermatitis mainly occurs due to any kind of allergic reaction. 

Atopic dermatitis

This dermatitis is usually known as eczema. Atopic dermatitis can be genetic and mainly appears during infancy. But some people can also get eczema in adulthood. This condition usually appears in cycles. When eczema appears, the skin gets flare-ups, dry, rough, and itchy. There is no permanent cure for atopic dermatitis. 

Dyshidrotic dermatitis

In this type of dermatitis, the skin is unable to protect itself. Due to this, the skin gets dry, and itchy with small blisters. Dyshidrotic dermatitis usually occurs in the hands and feet. 

Seborrheic dermatitis

Seborrheic dermatitis is also known as cradle cap. This condition usually occurs in infants. The condition can occur in the chest and face. Common symptoms of seborrheic dermatitis are scaly patches, dandruff, and skin discoloration. 

Some other types of dermatitis are dermatitis neglecta, stasis dermatitis nummular dermatitis, neurodermatitis, etc. 

What are the causes of dermatitis?

The causes of dermatitis depend on their types. But certain environmental triggers can also cause any specific type of flare-up. The trigger can be of any type like hormonal changes, environment, stress, certain substances, etc.

Causes for contact dermatitis

This type of dermatitis appears when the body comes in contact with any kind of irritant like:

  1. Cosmetic
  2. Nickel
  3. Detergents
  4. Poison ivy
  5. Oak

Atopic dermatitis

This dermatitis can occur due to the combination of certain factors like environment, dry skin, skin bacteria, etc. The triggers for eczema can vary from person to person. Common triggers for eczema are irritants, stress, and hormonal changes. But some other factors can also cause atopic dermatitis-like red meat, sugar dairy, etc. It can run on families; if anyone had atopic dermatitis, his kids may face the same condition.

Seborrheic dermatitis

There is no exact known cause behind seborrheic dermatitis. But it can appear due to Malassezia yeast. Some other causes of seborrheic dermatitis are psoriasis, rosacea, psoriasis, Parkinson’s disease, epilepsy, etc. This condition mainly starts during puberty. 

Stasis dermatitis

This type of dermatitis usually appears due to poor blood circulation. The small valves in the body become weak and the blood flow back to the heart reduces. This causes fluid that results in swelling around the affected area. The stasis dermatitis appears in those affected areas. It mostly occurs on the lower legs. 

Risk factors for dermatitis

Common risk factors for dermatitis are:

  1. Family history
  2. Health condition
  3. Age
  4. Environment
  5. Allergies
  6. Asthma

Symptoms of dermatitis

The symptoms of dermatitis can be mild or severe. This severity depends on the type of dermatitis and the affected area. The symptoms are different according to the type. But there are a few common symptoms such as:

  1. Blisters 
  2. Itchy skin
  3. Rashes 
  4. Swelling
  5. Dry and cracked skin

Dermatitis can cause skin discoloration. The skin discoloration may seem different depending on skin tone. In a lighter tone, dermatitis patches look red or pink. While on darker skin tones, these rashes can appear gray or purple. 

Diagnosis for dermatitis

To diagnose dermatitis, the doctor will examine the skin and ask you certain questions regarding the symptoms. He may need a small piece of the skin to rule out other conditions. The doctor often suggests patch testing. In patch testing, small amounts of certain substances are applied to the skin. The doctor looks for the reaction on certain days. This patch test helps to find the exact reason behind dermatitis.

Treatment options for dermatitis

The treatment for dermatitis depends on its type and symptoms. These treatments help in reducing the symptoms. Common treatment options for dermatitis are :

  1. Corticosteroid creams and gels can be applied to the affected area. These gels reduce inflammation and itchiness.
  2. Certain ointments and creams are available that affect the immune system
  3. The doctor may prescribe some oral corticosteroids or injections to reduce the symptoms
  4. In atopic dermatitis, you can use a wet dressing

Natural medication for dermatitis

Natural treatment can be the best option to deal with dermatitis. These medicines are fully safe and provide excellent relief from dermatitis symptoms. NJ naturopathic doctors will ask you some questions regarding the symptoms and triggers. He will prescribe certain natural medicines that not only reduce the symptoms but also help in preventing recurrence. These medicines are safe and do not cause any side effects.

Home remedies and lifestyle

When a person has dermatitis, they can adopt some changes in lifestyle and home remedies.

Apply moisturizer daily

The skin becomes very dry and itchy due to dermatitis. Applying moisturizer daily will add moisture to the skin and help in reducing dryness. In winters, if the skin is very dry, try to apply moisturizer twice or thrice a day.

Use medicated shampoos

You might get dandruff due to dermatitis. Use medicated shampoos that contain zinc pyrithione, selenium sulfide, coal tar, etc.

Take warm bath

Due to dermatitis, the skin may feel inflamed. People often take cold baths to reduce inflammation. But it can make the skin drier. Take warm weather and sprinkle some baking soda. Soak the skin for about 8-10 minutes and then pat dry. Now apply a medicated moisturizer that prevents dry skin. 

Avoid rubbing

Avoid scratching or rubbing the itchy area. Don’t wear fiber that increases the itchiness. Don’t forget to trim your nails as it can cause more damage to the body. 

Manage the stress

Stress can also trigger dermatitis. Try to manage your stress to prevent dermatitis. Learn some stress management skills like meditation, etc.