Hyperpigmentation is a skin condition that makes the skin dark. This skin condition can appear in small patches, or large areas or may affect the entire body. Hyperpigmentation is not a harmful condition. But sometimes hyperpigmentation can also occur due to another medical condition. Usually, hyperpigmentation doesn’t have any kind of harm to the body’s functioning. But these patches may affect mental peace. Any kind of scars or spots often reduces confidence. Luckily, this is a treatable skin condition. Various medical and natural ways are available to treat hyperpigmentation. You can talk to naturopathic doctors in New Jersey about your skin condition. Certain natural remedies are very helpful in reducing or treating hyperpigmentation.
Types of hyperpigmentation
There are various types of hyperpigmentation but the most common types are melasma, post-inflammatory, and sunspots.
Melasma: This occurs due to hormonal changes in the body. In females, hyperpigmentation mainly occurs during pregnancy. Usually, melasma spots appear on the face and stomach but the spots can appear on the whole body.
Sunspots: Sunspots are usually known as liver spots and appear when the skin has excess sun exposure. These sunspots appear on the areas exposed to the skin such as the face and hands.
Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation: Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation appears due to any injury or inflammation to your skin. This hyperpigmentation can also appear due to acne.
Symptoms, causes, and risk factors for hyperpigmentation
The common and main symptom of hyperpigmentation is dark skin patches. These dark patches can vary in size and can appear in any part of the body.
The major reason behind hyperpigmentation is the extra production of melanin. It is a pigment that provides color to the skin. Melanin is produced by melanocyte cells. Various factors can increase melanin production in the body.
Various medications like chemotherapy drugs etc can cause hyperpigmentation. Addison’s disease can cause hyperpigmentation in sun-exposed areas.
Sun exposure is the major risk factor for hyperpigmentation. If the skin is more exposed to the sun, melanin production will increase which can lead to skin pigmentation. Some other risk factors for hyperpigmentation are oral contraceptives, darker skin tone, certain medications that can increase sunlight sensitivity, and any kind of skin trauma like burns, injury, etc.
Best ways to treat hyperpigmentation naturally
Apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is one of the best home remedies for treating hyperpigmentation. It contains acetic acid that helps in lightening pigmentation. Due to its acidic property, apple cider vinegar can remove spots marked on the skin. Take a container and mix equal parts of apple cider vinegar and water. Mix both components and then apply them to the dark patches. Now leave it for about three minutes and then rinse with lukewarm water. Apply apple cider vinegar twice a day for better results.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C is also very helpful in treating hyperpigmentation. It is a natural acid and excellent for your skin. Vitamin C lightens the skin without causing inflammation. It helps in reducing melanin production which helps in preventing skin tan issues. Vitamin C is an excellent antioxidant and applying it to the skin can help in repairing skin cells. Applying vitamin C also replaces the damaged skin cells. You can find vitamin C in citrus fruits. Make a face pack of lemons or oranges. Take the citrus fruit and squeeze out all the juice. Now mix it with honey and make a paste. Apply the paste to the hyperpigmented areas and wait for about 15-20 minutes. Now wash off the paste with lukewarm water. For better results, you can apply vitamin C face serum overnight.
Aloe Vera
For any kind of skin condition, aloe vera is always beneficial. For hyperpigmentation, aloe vera is a good remedy and helps in reducing inflammation. Aloe vera contains aloin which is a very good compound for skin lightening. For hyperpigmentation, aloe vera is a nontoxic treatment. You can use aloe vera to reduce skin tan. It heals the damaged skin cells and helps in producing new skin cells. Cut an Aloe vera leaf and extract the gel. Wash your face with any cleanser and then apply the gel directly to your skin before going to bed. Rinse your face the next morning with lukewarm water. Apply aloe vera daily and you will see good results in a few days. Aloe vera is also helpful in skin smoothing.
Green tea extract
Green tea extract has some depigmentation effects. You can apply green tea directly to the skin. Using green tea will help in skin lightening. Steep a green tea bag in boiling water. Boil it for about 5 minutes and take out the tea bag. Now remove the tea bag and wait until it cools down. Now extract the tea leaves from the tea bag and rub them on the dark patches. After applying tea extract, wait for 15 minutes and rinse with water. Apply green tea extract twice a day for good results.
Onion is a good source of vitamin C. People often ignore onion in skin treatment as it has a strong smell and can make you cry. But using onion to treat hyperpigmentation can be quite helpful. Grate an onion and extract the juice. You can apply the onion juice directly or can add any carrier. Add a few drops of rosewater or glycerin with onion and apply it to the hyperpigmented area. Don’t use onion as a face mask as it will sting the eyes.
Milk is good for your health and skin. It is one of the best home remedies to treat hyperpigmentation. Applying milk to the skin will remove the marks and dark patches. It is also very helpful in skin nourishment. Soak a cotton pad in milk and apply it to the face. Wait for 10 minutes and rinse with water. Applying milk will make the skin plumpy and help in anti-aging.