What Causes Migraine, and What are its Triggers and Treatment Options?

By | March 9, 2022

Migraine is a type of headache with high intensity and often comes with other symptoms like vomiting, nausea, and sensitivity. The migraine pain can last for some hours to days. People often consider migraines as stress headaches. Symptoms of both cases are similar however both are different conditions. The symptoms and causes of migraine can differ from person to person. A person can get a migraine at any stage of his life. Living with migraine is difficult as it affects your work and daily routine a lot.

What Causes Migraine, and What are its Triggers and Treatment Options?

Stages of a migraine attack

Migraine has 4 different stages; not everyone deals with all stages. Most people face at least 2 stages of migraine. 


Around 60% of migraine patients face the prodrome stage. It occurs hours or days before the pain starts. Symptoms of prodrome stage are:

  1. Fatigue
  2. Food craving
  3. Sensitivity to light, smell, and sound
  4. Bloating
  5. Constipation
  6. Mood swings


Aura appears before the migraine pain starts. These symptoms are based on the nervous system and may cause problems in your vision. People face an aura stage about 5-10 minutes to 1 hour before the attack. Symptoms of aura stage are:

  1. See black dots
  2. Tingling in fingers and feet
  3. Tunnel vision
  4. No clear vision
  5. Ringing in ears
  6. Changes in sense organs
  7. Arms and legs become heavy
  8. Unable to speak properly


The attack starts after the aura stage with a dull ache. After some time it grows into throbbing pain. The migraine pain increases when a person is doing any physical activity. Migraine pain can move from one side to the other side of the head. It can occur on the front side or can feel in your whole head. Most people get nausea along with headaches. About 50% of people vomit or feel dizzy. Usually, migraine pain lasts for around 4 hours. But many people may face headaches for 2-3 days. People with this condition mostly get headaches about 3-4 times a month. But some people get migraine attacks like 2-3 times in a year.


This is the final stage of migraine after the attack. The pain reduces but the person may face some other symptoms such as:

  1. Feeling wiped out
  2. Muscle pain
  3. Food craving
  4. In this stage, people may also feel blank out. 

Causes for migraine

There aren’t any exact causes of migraine headaches. According to researchers, migraine can occur due to some changes in the brain chemicals and genes. The migraine triggers can also pass down with genes. Overactive nerve cells trigger trigeminal nerves that can cause pain in the head or face. Due to this, your brain releases chemicals like serotonin that swells blood vessels of the brain and cause pain and inflammation. You should get a migraines treatment Pennsylvania to prevent the migraine attack and live life peacefully.

Risk factors for migraine

Gender: Every gender can get migraine but women are more prone to this condition.

Genes: If any of the parents have migraine then there are 50% chances that the kid will face the same condition. In case both of the parents have migraine then the risk increases to about 75%. 

Age: A person can get a migraine at any time phase of his life. Teens can also get migraines. But most people get migraines between the age of 18 to 40. In women, migraines often get better after the age of 50.

Illness: Several medical conditions increase the migraine chances such as bipolar disorder, anxiety, epilepsy, depression, etc. 

Common triggers for migraine

Migraine can occur at any time without any prior notice. However, several things or conditions increase the chances of getting a migraine attack. 

Hormonal changes

Women often get migraine attacks during periods or ovulation. They may also face this condition when they are pregnant due to sudden changes in hormones.  


During stress, the brain produces chemicals that swell the blood vessels and trigger migraine.


Food items or drinks like alcohol, coffee, food coloring, or additives can trigger migraine pain.

Weather change

Changes in temperature or barometric pressure may trigger migraine pain in some people.


Medicines like vasodilators can trigger migraine in a person.

Sleep disorder

If a person is not getting enough sleep or rest; he may get migraine attacks often.

Migraine treatment and home remedies

There is no cure for a migraine. If a person is facing this condition, he may get a migraine attack throughout his life. But several treatments and remedies are available to prevent the recurrence. 

Pain relief

Most people use OTC drugs to reduce migraine pain. OTC drugs contain caffeine, aspirin, ibuprofen, and acetaminophen. However, taking aspirin under the age of 19 can increase the risk of Reye’s syndrome. If a person often takes pain relief medication, he may face other health issues. You must talk to your doctor and take the prescribed medications. 

Medications to reduce other symptoms

Doctors often prescribe nausea medications with pain relief. Some people also use lasmiditan to reduce light and sound sensitivity. 

Preventive medications

When other treatments for migraine don’t work, doctors prescribe preventive medications. It includes BP medicines, seizure medicines, antidepressants, etc to prevent migraine attacks. 

Natural medications

Other than allopathy, some natural medications such as Ayurveda and Homeopathy are also good treatment options for migraines. These medications don’t give immediate relief like OTCs but are fully safe. Homeopathic remedies work on the causes behind the condition. When a person uses natural medications for treating migraine, recurrence rates reduce a lot. 

Home remedies

Avoid certain food items

Your diet is necessary to prevent migraine attacks. You should avoid food items that can trigger migraines such as chocolate, alcohol, cheese, nitrate-containing items, beans, dried fruits, cultured dairy products, etc. 

Use peppermint or lavender oil

Inhaling lavender essential oil can reduce migraine pain. A person can inhale it directly or mix it with other oils. Peppermint oil can also help in preventing migraine attacks. However, due to the strong smell, some people may feel more pressure. If your pain seems worse then don’t use oil therapy.

Meditation and Yoga

Regular meditation for around 20-30 minutes per day can be very helpful in treating migraines. It reduces the stress nerves and a person feels better. You can also try Yoga poses to reduce migraine pain.