What are the Causes and Triggers of Migraine?

By | May 5, 2022

A migraine is a type of headache that causes severe throbbing pain usually on one side of the head. This is not a type of simple headache that can be treated easily. In migraine, a person can also face other symptoms like vomiting, nausea, sensitivity to light, etc along with severe headache. This pain can last for several days and can interfere with your daily activities. Lots of people also get warning symptoms (aura) before the migraine headache. The pain sensitivity and symptoms of migraine can be reduced using medicines. 

What are the Causes and Triggers of Migraine?

Symptoms of migraine

Any person of any age can get migraines. However, most people get migraines in their teenage to their thirties. The symptoms depend on the migraine stage. The migraine headache is divided into four stages.


Not many people get the prodrome stage. These symptoms appear around one or two days before the pain. Prodrome symptoms are:

  1. Food craving
  2. Fluid retention
  3. Mood changes
  4. Constipation
  5. Frequent yawning
  6. Frequent urination
  7. Neck stiffness


Lots of people get an aura before the migraine pain. The symptoms of the aura are mostly related to the visual disturbance. But some other symptoms can also occur in this phase. Aura symptoms usually appear a few minutes or hours before the attack. Symptoms of the aura are:

  1. Vision loss
  2. Difficulty in speaking
  3. Pins and needles sensation
  4. Visual phenomena like seeking light flashes, shapes, etc

Numbness in one side of the body


The migraine attack can last for several hours to days. The person feels severe pain on the side of the head. A person feels a throbbing pain or pulsing sensation during a migraine attack. A person can get migraines about 2 or 3 times a month. Symptoms of a migraine attack are:

  1. Throbbing pain
  2. Pulsing sensation
  3. Vomiting Nausea
  4. Severe pain in one or both sides of the head
  5. Sensitivity to light, sound, and smell


Once the migraine attack goes, a person feels confused, filmed out, and drained. Lots of people feel elected. Any sudden head movement brings the pain again temporarily. 

What are the common causes and triggers of migraine?

Doctors and researchers are not sure about the exact cause of migraine. Some genetics and environmental factors can lead to migraine. The imbalance of brain chemicals like serotonin can cause pain. 

Migraine triggers

Hormonal changes

In women, migraine can develop due to the changing level of hormones. The female hormone estrogen’s level fluctuates throughout life (during the menstrual period, pregnancy, and menopause). The sudden and regular changes in hormone levels can trigger migraine.


Any kind of stress can cause migraines. If a person is facing too much stress in his work or home, migraine may trigger often.


Several drinks including alcohol (usually wine), caffeine drinks, etc can trigger migraine.

Sleep changes

If a person is getting less sleep, his migraine can trigger easily. This often occurs when a person is working at night. Sleeping in the daytime gives rest to the body but often can’t give proper rest to the brain. 

Sensory stimuli

Flashing lights can easily trigger migraine. Your migraine can also get triggered by loud sounds and strong smells. 

Weather changes

Sudden changes in weather or barometric pressure trigger migraine. 

Physical factors

If a person suddenly starts intense physical exertion, a migraine can trigger. Sometimes sexual intercourse can also trigger migraine. 


Several food items can trigger migraines like cheese, salami, pickled food, chocolate, etc. MSG can also trigger migraines.  


Medication overuse can trigger your migraine. Common medicines that can trigger migraine are painkillers, OTC, and oral contraceptives.

Risk factors for migraine


Women are way more prone to migraine than men.


If a person in a family has a migraine, other members can also develop the same problem.


Migraines usually appear during adolescence. The peak time for migraine is in the thirties and then its frequency and severity start decreasing. 

Hormonal changes

Many women only get migraines during their menstruation. The migraine pattern changes during pregnancy and the condition may get improved after menopause. 

Treatment options for migraine

There is no permanent cure for migraine. However, you can reduce the severity and frequency of migraine symptoms using medications and other treatments. Lots of medicines are available to reduce migraine pain intensity. Some medicines reduce the other symptoms and prevent a recurrence.

Pain relief

OTC is the most common drug for migraine. People use medicines like aspirin, ibuprofen, etc to ease migraine pain. Aspirin is not prescribed for people under the age of 19. These medicines reduce pain intensity and provide good relief. However, overuse of these medicines can cause rebound headaches and the person may become dependent on them.


Triptans are prescribed to balance the brain chemicals. These are available as pills, nasal spray, shots, or tablets that dissolve in the tongue. Some common triptans are almotriptan, eletriptan, zolmitriptan, sumatriptan, etc,

Nausea medicines

Some drugs like lasmiditan are available to treat nausea during migraine. These medicines also help in reducing sensitivity to light or sound. 

Preventive medicines

Preventive medicines are suggested to reduce the frequency or severity of migraine. You may have to take these medicines regularly. Some common preventive medicines are anti-seizures, blood pressure medicines, antidepressants, etc. 

Natural medicine

Allopathic medications have lots of side effects. Many people get dependent on these medicines. Instead of using allopathy, you can use natural medication. With a natural migraines treatment New York, the pain intensity and migraine frequency will reduce by a good percentage. These medicines are fully safe to use and do not cause any harmful side effects to your body.

Home remedies to reduce migraine pain

Several home remedies work excellent to reduce migraine pain. If you have a migraine, avoid certain food items. Common food items that can trigger migraine are cheese, alcohol, pickled foods, beans, processed food, MSG, food with nitrates, etc. When your migraine triggers, apply lavender oil or peppermint oil. Always read the directions used before applying. You have to dilute these oils before applying. Lots of people get good relief with acupuncture. Reduce stress in your life to prevent any migraine triggers. Regular Yoga and meditation can help in reducing the recurrence of migraine.