Most Effective Homeopathic Treatment for Psoriasis

By | January 13, 2022

Psoriasis is a skin disease where the skin cells start multiplying at higher rates. The cells multiply like 1000 times more than the normal rate. It is an inflammatory skin disease and can cause more problems in winter. The skin is already dry and it causes more itchiness. In extreme dryness, it may also cause bleeding when you scratch it. But this is not a contagious disease which means it doesn’t spread to other people. In common, Psoriasis is described as an incurable disorder. However, there are several treatments to minimize the cause and ease the inflammation. Homeopathy is a better option for treating Psoriasis. The treatment depends on the person and his condition. You can check for Psoriasis treatment before trying any allopathic medicines. Using allopathy for all illnesses is not a better option. You may get ease for some time but it can cause other problems. Whereas homeopathy is a secure remedy and doesn’t have any side effects.

Most Effective Homeopathic Treatment for Psoriasis

Why choose homeopathy for Psoriasis treatment?

Homeopathic remedies are very effective for treating Psoriasis. These remedies not only reduce the inflammation but can treat the condition very well. This treatment takes more time than allopathy but is very beneficial. Homeopathic remedies are natural and don’t cause any harmful side effects to the body. The remedies only suppress the inflammation but try to cure the indiscriminate cell division on your skin. Once the skin cell division gets cured, the Psoriasis symptoms will disappear. The homeopathy treatment depends on the person’s body and age. Different age groups may have different remedies for the same illness. Homeopathy helps to reduce the overactive immune system.

Homeopathic remedies for treating Psoriasis

There are several homeopathic medications for Psoriasis such as Graphites Naturalis, Arsenic Album, etc. But you must visit the homeopath before taking any medication. Your homeopath will ask you several questions regarding your physique and other factors which affect your health. He will prescribe you the medication according to your condition. The remedies may change from time to time.

Arsenic Album

This homeopathic remedy is prescribed when the skin is very dry, rough, and has scales. The scales appear silver-colored and can cause itching. You can see these scales in your whole body except the hands and face. The condition gets worse in the cold and winter. Your whole body may start itching and warmth can help in providing relief. Many people also feel pain after scratching the affected area and you may also get bleeding patches. Many patients also face anxiety due to skin conditions. Arsenic Album is the common and highly effective remedy for treating Psoriasis.

Arsenic Iodatum

Arsenic Iodatum remedy is mainly used for treating the shedding condition. You can see the shedding of large scales on the body. The body part gets covered with large patches with scales. Frequent itching in the scales causes pain and also leaves raw skin behind. This homeopathic remedy lessens the itchiness and prevents skin shedding. This treatment requires more time to have satisfactory results.

Graphites Naturalis

This remedy is prescribed then the skin is dry, rough, and patchy. Graphites Naturalis helps treat cracked skin. In this condition, you can see scales on the scalp. The scalp feels very dry and causes distress itching. Many people also feel inflammation on the scalp. This condition can also spread behind the ears. In nail Psoriasis, the nails get thick and rough. Sometimes people also face deformed nails. Intake of Graphites Naturalis reduces the dryness of the scalp and prevents spreading on other parts.


Sulphur is prescribed only when the person is facing a severe condition. Homeopaths use this medication when a person is dealing with burning sensations and itching. Many people scratch the body until the skin starts bleeding. The scratches are not only painful but also cause a burning sensation. The person may feel itchiness in different parts of the body. The whole skin gets scaly, rough, and pathy; people often start rubbing the skin. The itchiness gets severe at night. This condition is very harmful as the body not only itches but also faces sleeping issues. Sulphur is a well-known remedy to ease severe itching and treat various skin ailments. It is also used in various skin ointments.

Sepia Succus

The homeopath prescribes Sepia Succus when the skin has big oval lesions. You can see reddish papules on the lesions. The scalp on the papules gets whitish and shiny; it causes lots of itchiness. If the person reaches the papules, he feels lots of burning sensation. This condition can occur on the chest, back, face, legs, and arms. Intake of Sepia Succus eases the itchiness and treats the skin condition.

Petroleum Oleum

This is a common remedy when the skin is cracky. People may get inflammation and intolerance itching on the skin. The skin starts bleeding after scratching. The skin cracks can appear on the whole body. Petroleum Oleum reduces the symptoms and provides better treatment to the body.

These remedies will ease the itchiness and inflammation and cures the skin condition. Visit the homeopath and get the best treatment for Psoriasis. Homeopathy treatment helps in preventing the recurrence of the illness.