Foods and Lifestyle Changes That can Help to Improve Low Libido

By | September 26, 2022

Libido is another word for sexual desire. Changes in sex drive over time are normal. But a sudden decrease in libido can be an area of concern. A person can face low libido issues at any phase of time. When you are experiencing low sex drive issues, you can take supplements. You can also try homeopathy for libido. These medicines help in improving libido and do not have any harmful side-effects. Along with the supplements, certain changes in food and lifestyles can also help in improving libido. 

Foods and Lifestyle Changes That can Help to Improve Low Libido

What is low libido?

Low libido shows reduced interest in sexual activity. Losing interest in sex from time to time is common. One common reason can be losing interest in your partner. However, if a person has low libido for a long time, he should visit a doctor. There are various reasons behind low libido in men.

Common reasons behind low libido

Low testosterone

Testosterone is a male hormone and is mostly produced in the testicles. This hormone is necessary for muscle building and bone mass. Testosterone is also responsible for stimulating sperm production and helps in improving sex drive. The testosterone level can vary from time to time and start reducing after the age of 30. When the testosterone level decreases, libido also decreases. Reduced testosterone level due to aging is natural. However, if you are facing a drastic drop in testosterone level due to other reasons, seek a doctor. 

Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS)

RLS is a type of disorder where the person faces an uncontrollable urge to move the legs. Some studies show that men with RLS are prone to get low libido.


Certain medications can reduce the testosterone level in men. Medicines for BP like beta-blockers and ACE inhibitors can prevent erections. Some other medications that can reduce testosterone levels are:



Antifungal medication


Anabolic steroids

Certain antidepressants

Opioid pain relievers etc.

Depression and stress

Depression is a mental illness but can lead to certain physical issues. It can reduce interest in activities including sex. Your low libido can be a type of side-effect of antidepressants. Stress also causes this problem. If you are stressed a lot, the hormone level starts fluctuating. PTSD can also cause stress that results in poor sexual desire. 

Chronic illness

Some chronic illnesses can reduce sex drive in men. Certain illnesses like cancer can reduce sperm production. Some other illnesses that can reduce libido are obesity, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, etc. 

Best natural ways to improve libido

Check for physical factors

Poor libido can be a result of any medical condition. To maintain your libido, start working on your illness. The common reason behind low libido is low testosterone levels. If you are on medication due to any illness, it can reduce your testosterone level. This problem is common if you are taking drugs like antidepressants and beta-blockers. To improve your libido, try to fix your medical condition. Once you complete the medication and your body is healthy, your libido will improve.

Maintain your stress level

Stress can cause certain problems like sleep disorders, poor diet, etc. A person can also face libido issues due to stress. If you are having stress, work on it. Instead of taking medicines for stress, try natural ways. Try aromatherapy to reduce your stress. Meditation can also help in reducing stress. 20 minutes of meditation every morning can reduce your stress a lot. You should do breathing exercises to relieve the stress. Take a long breath through your nose and hold for about 5 seconds. Release the breadth through your mouth and repeat these steps for some time. Maintaining stress will help in boosting your sex drive.

Eat certain food items

A healthy diet can be very helpful in increasing your libido. When you take a nutritious diet, it improves blood flow, increases stamina, and boosts your libido. Eat lots of veggies and lean protein; cut down sugar and saturated fat food items. Some food items that are full of nutrients to improve libido are oysters, certain meats, salmon, apples, beets, red wine, nuts, and seeds. Eating chocolates can help in improving sexual pleasure. When you eat chocolate, a brain chemical serotonin releases that helps in improving mood and increasing blood flow in genital tissues. 

Exercise daily

A too little exercise can also lead to poor sex drive. When a person doesn’t exercise, he may get issues like obesity, and high BP. These types of illnesses can lower libido. Start exercising daily to boost energy and maintain health. When the body and muscles are functioning well, your sex drive will increase. But over-exercise can be bad for your sexual health. It can drain all your energy and results in poor libido. 

Boost your self-confidence

If you want to perform well, work on self-confidence. An unhealthy diet or physical appearance can lead to poor self-image. A person often starts thinking about whether he will perform well in bed or not. Will he be able to satisfy the partner or not? Instead of being pitiful, start working on it. Boost self-confidence to prevent your bedroom issues. 

Limit your alcohol

Having a glass of wine before sex can help in creating a good mood. But you must stick to a limit. Too much alcohol can harm the body and can lead to erectile dysfunction. It can reduce testosterone production and can cause low libido. If you want to perform well in bed, limit your alcohol consumption. 

Talk to your partner

You must be on good terms with your sexual partner. Poor communication can be a cause of low sex drive. Go for dates, have romantic dinners, and try to spend more time with each other. Listen to your partner’s problems, and share your queries. Instead of hiding your problems, good and open conversation can help to improve your sex drive. If anyone of you seems struggling, talk to a sex therapist.