What are the Symptoms of Low T and How to Treat Them?

By | June 9, 2022

Testosterone is a hormone present in both males and females and is crucial for puberty and fertility. In males, the production of testosterone is in the testes. Whereas in females testosterone is made in ovaries. The production of testosterone is not the same in males and females. Testosterone level in men is much higher in male than in females. This hormone is necessary for certain physical characteristics. Testosterone helps in body hair growth, physical strength, muscle bulk, bone mass, etc.

What are the Symptoms of Low T and How to Treat Them?

In men, the testosterone level keeps changing depending on the body’s requirements. The level changes throughout life. After a certain age, the testosterone count starts decreasing. Along with the age, certain other factors can cause low testosterone problems. 

Common symptoms of Low-T in men

Low sex drive

Testosterone is necessary to maintain sex drive or libido. The libido decreases after a certain age as the testosterone level decreases. If a person is facing low T at a young age, his sex drive will also reduce.

Issues in maintaining or achieving erections

Testosterone helps in achieving erections. This hormone tells your brain receptors to produce nitric oxide. Nitric oxide triggers certain chemical reactions to get an erection. When the testosterone level is very low, the person faces difficulty in achieving or maintaining an erection. He will also get problems getting spontaneous erections. 

Hair loss

Testosterone is responsible for body and facial hair growth. If the testosterone level reduces, the person may get balding issues. The body and facial hairs will also start reducing. 


Testosterone helps in boosting strength. If the person is getting low-T issues, he may feel fatigued and decreased energy. The person will be tired even after sleeping for several hours. His body will feel heavy for the whole day.

Hot Flashes

Getting hot flashes can be a symptom of low T. A person can feel a sudden heat sensation and can experience night sweats, heavy sweating, etc.

Increased body fat

When the testosterone level decreases, man can experience increased body fat. The person can also get gynecomastia. This problem appears due to an imbalance between estrogen and testosterone. 

Risk of anemia

Low T increases the risk of anemia. When the testosterone count reduces, it can lower blood counts also. Some symptoms of anemia are leg cramping, dizziness, rapid heart rate, insomnia, etc. 

Affected cognitive memory

Low-T can also affect cognitive memory. With age, the cognitive memory gets affected. This process is common and natural. But if a person is facing low T at any age, his cognitive memory will be affected. He may start forgetting small things and details. 

Affected mood

Testosterone not only affects your physical characteristics but also creates issues in your emotions. The person starts getting mood changes, feels like a loser, or may face stress or depression. 

Reduced testicle and penis size

Testosterone is necessary for penis and testicle development. If the person is facing low T, he might get issues like disproportionality and a small penis. But only low T is not responsible for this problem. Certain other reasons can cause this problem like obesity, varicocele, hypogonadism, prostate surgery, etc.  

What can cause low T in men?

Testosterone count starts decreasing in the thirties. Facing low-T problems due to aging is common. However certain other reasons can also cause low T problems in males like:

  1. Cancer treatment (Chemotherapy)  
  2. AIDS
  3. Testicle injuries
  4. Kidney diseases
  5. Autoimmune disease
  6. Obesity
  7. Cirrhosis of the liver
  8. Alcohol abuse
  9. Pituitary gland problems 
  10. Certain medications

Low-T problems can increase the risks for diabetes, osteoporosis, and heart disease. 

Treatment options for low T

Testosterone replacement therapy

When you are suspecting low T, you should consult with a doctor. The doctor will suggest you correct treatment depending on your condition. One common treatment for low testosterone is testosterone replacement therapy. It is available in various forms like skin gel, patches, oral medications, pellets, injections, etc. It is a type of lifelong treatment as when you stop the therapy, the testosterone level will drop. A person may face a few side effects of this therapy like acne, shrinking testicles, high RBC count, reduced sperm count, etc.

Natural medications

Some natural remedies are also available for treating low T. Adopting natural low T treatment Pennsylvania helps in increasing the testosterone level without any side effects. These remedies act like natural boosters and help to increase the testosterone count in men.

Diet for treating low-T

Your diet can also help in treating low-T problems. To maintain testosterone levels, you have to maintain your diet. You should take nutrients like magnesium, zinc, vitamin D, etc. Add fatty fish to your regular diet. It helps in nutrients like zinc and vitamin D. If you are vegetarian or vegan, you should start eating dark, leafy greens. These vegetables are rich in magnesium which helps in reducing oxidative stress. Some other items you should add to your diet are avocados, eggs, cherries, berries, shellfish, and cocoa products.