10 Negative Effects of Stress to Students

By | December 12, 2022

Stress is one of the most common types of mental problems. You can get stressed due to studies, family issues, relationship problems, and various other small and big matters. Sometimes getting late for an important event can also get you into stress. Any person can face stress at any phase of life.

10 Negative Effects of Stress to Students

Stress can be defined as a situation that triggers a certain kind of biological response. When the body or mind faces any kind of major problem or challenge, certain hormones get active. Stress can trigger the fight-or-flight response. You can either run away or have to face the problem. After completing the response, your body feels better. Facing stress sometimes is normal but if a person is getting constant stress, it can affect his mental and physical health. Stress is not always a bad thing. It can help you to meet the deadline or prevent any kind of accident. Sometimes the stress can feel like a thriller such as on a wedding day. Acute stress can appear at any time but once the issue is dissolved, the person feels better. 

Negative effects of stress on students


Headache is very common when a student is facing stress. Students can get stressed due to loads of assignments or exams. Due to this, they might face regular headaches. The symptoms of stress headaches are dull head pain and pressure around the forehead. Some people also feel tenderness around the forehead and difficulty focusing. 


If the student is facing regular stress then he might get depression. Chronic stress often leads to depression issues that affect physical and mental health. In students, stress or depression often appears due to poor academic performance. If depression is causing problems in studies and lifestyle, you need proper treatment. Get depression treatment Parsippany and manage your studies and life.


Stress can also affect your mood. You can also start feeling anxious. Students or teens face this problem when they meet a new situation like a relationship or into any new activity. Any stressful situation for the mind or body can lead to anxiety issues.

Muscle tension

Students can also face physical issues due to stress. When the mind is stressed, the person can feel muscle tension or chest pain. Stress can negatively affect your body’s nervous system. The system may counter the stress by adding pressure to the blood vessels. It induces the flow to the muscles and causes muscle tension.  

Sleep issues

Having sleep issues from stress is very common. When a student faces stress, he might get insomnia. Due to studies, students often get only 4-5 hours of sleep. During exams, students may spend the whole night preparing for the exams. When a teenager is facing stress, he can’t get proper sleep, which results in poor performance.

Drug or alcohol misuse

Due to extreme stress, students may get into bad habits. Taking alcohol and drugs are the common ill effects of stress. When the person is facing too much stress, he often starts drinking or taking drugs to feel better. 

Poor social interaction

School or university days are best for interaction and making friends. But when a person is facing stress, he might face poor social interaction. The person often cuts ties with friends and nearby people. He may stop participating in any social activities like annual functions, parties, etc.

Lack of motivation

Stress also affects the goals of a student. Kids get stressed when they can’t figure out choices for their future. Sometimes kids’ choices may conflict with the parent’s choices. Due to this, kids start overthinking which leads to stress. This stress feels burdensome and the person may lose motivation.

Poor diet

Stress also affects the diet of the student. During exams, kids often eat less. Due to exam stress, kids often get stomach upset and feel less hungry. This poor diet results in poor health and fatigue and worsens stress problems.

Angry outburst

Stress can cause a behavior change. Some kids become quieter whereas some kids may get angry and feel restless. They may start talking bluntly to parents and teachers. 

Best ways to deal with stress

Stress is a type of mental condition that can affect the whole person. Certain medications are available to manage stress. But you should try other ways to deal with your stress. 

Meditate daily

The best way to treat any mental condition is meditation. If you are facing stress due to studies or family issues, try to meditate. Students’ lives are very busy and they have long-running school, coachings along with sports or other extracurricular activities. They barely have time for any new thing. But if you are facing stress, you need 10-15 minutes for meditation daily. Wake up a bit early and meditate. Close your eyes and start taking deep breaths. Forget everything and just focus on your breathing. Daily meditation can help you to reduce stress.


Yoga is also very helpful in treating stress. Join a yoga session to manage stress. If you can’t join a Yoga class then learn certain yoga poses to treat stress from the internet. Do Yoga whenever you find some free time. Practicing yoga before breakfast may provide good help to deal with stress.

Talk to yourself

Stress occurs due to overthinking. Instead of thinking negative things, try to talk to yourself. Find out what you exactly want. Try to figure out your conflicting thoughts. Talking to yourself may sound crazy but it can help you to reduce stress. 

Talk to family or friend

If you can’t figure out the problem yourself then you should talk to your family or friend. Share your concerns and ask them for better help. Your family members may share similar experiences and ways to manage them. There can be certain situations that you can’t share with family and then talk to your friend. A good friend can help you to figure out the issues and can provide good help.

Listen to good music

If you are getting stressed due to a certain situation like having an exam or any competition then listen to good music. A small break can help you to manage the problems. Sit comfortably and play some calming music. Don’t listen to any sorrowful songs as it may increase stress. Play any good song or classical piano. It will provide relaxing effects and help to reduce your stress level.

Eat good food

When you are stressed, you often eat less. Some people also start overeating due to stress. Eating is good but eating snacks and sugary items is not good. People often eat cake or any sweet items to manage stress. Sweets can provide good relief from stress. But depending on the sweetness is not good. You must eat good food to keep your body healthy. Your body can also help to reduce the symptoms of stress.

Drink tea or any hot drink

A cup of coffee is always the first option to reduce stress. In late-night studies, coffee provides good energy and reduces sleep. Drinking a cup of coffee every day is not very harmful to the body. But some people rely on coffee and start drinking 4-5 cups of coffee every day. Cut the coffee and try other items. You can drink herbal tea or honey tea to manage stress. These drinks are not harmful to the body and provide good relief.