Importance of Carbohydrates in Your Diet to Stay Healthy

By | December 8, 2022

Your body requires lots of nutrients to remain fit and healthy. One of the essential nutrients for your body is carbohydrates. This nutrient is all about energy and is mainly found in first, pieces of bread, vegetables, and dairy products. The body uses food to produce glucose which is the mainstream of energy. Glucose is a kind of sugar that can be used immediately or can be stored for later. According to USDA, the best carbs are those that contain a good amount of fiber such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. These carbohydrates take more time to break down into glaucoma and provide more nutrients. Meanwhile, refined carbohydrates are known as bad carbohydrates. These carbs have been processed to remove the grains and had sugar added. A few common examples of processed carbs are cake, cookies, and white bread.

Importance of Carbohydrates in Your Diet to Stay Healthy

Carbs can boost the mood

Some research shows that taking carbs can increase the production of serotonin. It is a brain chemical that makes you feel good. In a study, people who took a very low-carb diet for a year (around 20-40 grams of carbs every day) like a half cup of rice and one piece of bread face more mental conditions like anger, anxiety, depression, etc than people who are taking high-carb diet like whole grains, low-fat, dairy, etc.

Carbs are very helpful in reducing weight

One of the best ways to reduce weight is to eliminate all items that contain sugar like sweets, soda, candies, cookies, cakes, etc. Eat food items that are rich in fiber to get good energy. If you stop taking carbs, you will lose water weight. You should start eating a good amount of fresh fruits and veggies to add flavor to your meal. Add food items like whole wheat, brown rice, corn tortillas, etc to get a good amount of carbs. You should have a whole-grain cereal breakfast along with fruits. Add some extra amount of veggies to your lunch and dinner. For daytime or midnight scans, you can have fruit salad. 

In a research study, women who took more fiber for two years lost a good amount of weight. Whereas, women who decrease their fiber intake gain weight. Certain carbohydrates have dietary fiber which is an indigestible complex carbohydrate. Intake of fiber provides a feeling of fullness for a long time and promotes healthy digestion.

Carbs are good for the heart

When you increase soluble fiber intake in your diet by around 5-10 grams per day; it can reduce about 5 percent of bad LDL cholesterol. People who take more whole grains have lower LDL and a good amount of higher HDL cholesterol. HDL cholesterol is good for your heart. 

Carbs can reduce body fat

When you add carbs and cut other bad food items in your diet; you can reduce a good amount of body fat and belly fat. People who ate 3 servings of whole grains every day had 3.6 percent less abdominal fat and 2.4 percent less body fat. If you want to trim your waistline then you should have carbs in your diet.

Carbohydrates are good for the brain

Some research shows that carbohydrates are also good for memory. People with low carbohydrates often cause issues with working memory (for example: why did I open my phone?) and visuospatial memory (like remembering directions). But people who take a good amount of carbs have sharp working memory and visuospatial memory. 

Carbs can help to lose fat

Having breakfast rich in carbohydrates such as whole grains before doing exercise can help in burning more fat. Some studies show that eating slow-release carbohydrates does not increase blood sugar. Insulin didn’t spike high, which helps in burning fat.

Lack of carbs can cause lots of problems

Carbohydrate breaks into sugar which is the primary source of energy necessary for your muscles, brain, and other body parts to function. When the body is not getting enough carbs, the sugar level in the blood decreases and causes hypoglycemia or ketosis.

Common symptoms of hypoglycemia

  1. Hunger
  2. Confusion
  3. Difficulty in speaking
  4. Feeling anxious
  5. Constipation

Common symptoms of ketosis

  1. Bad breath
  2. Nausea & headache
  3. Mental fatigue
  4. Pain and swelling in joints

You should take a good amount of carbs in your diet to prevent hypoglycemia and ketosis issues. Intake of carbs will eliminate all symptoms and your body will start working properly. If you are still feeling unwell then try homeopathic remedy constipation. The homeopath will provide the medicines to treat constipation and other symptoms of hypoglycemia. You should take carbohydrates in adequate amounts and take high amounts of carbohydrates and increase sugar levels that can increase the risk of diabetes. Taking a high-carb diet with reduced fat/protection for a long time causes symptoms like dry skin, fatty food cravings, weak muscles, depression, etc.