Add 10 Immunity Booster Foods to Your Daily Diet

By | February 22, 2022

Immunity can be described as the capacity of the body to prevent itself from infection. Humans are always exposed to pathogens that cause illness such as viruses and bacteria. To protect them from an illness you need good immunity. Food is the best way to improve immunity. Eating healthy food will help to boost immunity and the chances of getting sick get reduced. People often take supplements as immunity boosters. But when you eat healthy regularly, you don’t require these supplements. However, when you have just recovered from an illness, supplements help to regain your immunity. If your immune system is very weak, you can talk to a homeopathy doctor Pennsylvania and try natural supplements. These remedies are very helpful and boost immunity. Natural remedies don’t have any harmful side effects on the body. Your homeopath will preserve the remedies depending on several factors like age, gender, environment, etc.

Add 10 Immunity Booster Foods to Your Daily Diet

Top 10 immunity booster foods to add to your diet

For better health, you must eat at least 3 meals per day. People often skip breakfast or dinner to lose weight. Skipping meals won’t help in dieting and can cause other harm to the body. Instead, eat only healthy food and do exercises daily.

1. Ginger

Ginger is considered one of the healthiest foods to restore immunity. This item is not only healthy but also a very tasty spice. Ginger is used as a spice around the world. You can intake ginger as fresh, powdered, dried, or even as an oil. Along with the deep fragrance, it has a bioactive compound known as gingerol. It is an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compound. If you want to lose weight, add ginger to your diet. This food is very helpful in treating nausea and morning sickness. Adding ginger to your daily diet can help in lowering blood sugar and preventing heart diseases.

2. Spinach

If you have watched Popeye The Sailor Man then you must already know that spinach is an energy booster food. It is a leafy green vegetable and is best known for eye health. This veggie is loaded with lots of nutrients and antioxidants. Eating spinach is very good for reducing oxidative stress. It also reduces the blood pressure level and prevents cancer. You can use canned spinach or can get it fresh. While eating fresh spinach, always clean it thoroughly before cooking. Spinach can be eaten as cooked or raw. It is good for your overall health. There are several conditions where spinach can cause adverse effects such as kidney stones and blood clotting.

3. Red bell peppers

Red bell peppers of capsicum are very rich in vitamin C. It contains around 3 times more than oranges. If you have weak eyesight then add red bell pepper to your diet. It contains lutein and zeaxanthin compounds which are good for the eyes. People who are facing anemia should eat bell peppers.

4. Broccoli

Broccoli is a green veggie and can be eaten either raw or cooked. Eating broccoli reduces cardiovascular problems. It contains lots of vitamins, minerals, and bioactive compounds. The antioxidant contacts in broccoli neutralize the cell damage and reduce inflammation. According to some research, broccoli may prevent certain types of cancer.

5. Garlic

Garlic is mainly used as a flavoring spice in lots of dishes around the globe. Along with the taste, garlic is a superfood for your health. You can add garlic to your food raw or can cook with it. Adding garlic improves immunity and reduces inflammation. You can use garlic to control blood pressure and sugar level.

6. Almond

Almonds are famous nuts around the world. People use almonds as milk, butter, oil, and paste. It contains antioxidant quality and helps in reducing aging and inflammation. Almonds have vitamin E that can reduce heart-related diseases. They contain lots of healthy fiber and magnesium. Adding almonds can reduce cholesterol and may help in losing weight.

7. Green tea

Green tea is considered one of the healthiest beverages. Drinking a cup of green tea can improve your immune system a lot. It provides various benefits to the body like fat loss, preventing cancer and heart diseases. Green tea is also good for brain functioning. Drink green tea whenever you are feeling stressed like exams. It is very helpful in relieving stress.

8. Yogurt

Yogurt is a dairy product and is used in several dishes. You can add yogurt while cooking something or eat it directly. But many commercial brands add some flavor to enhance the taste; don’t eat flavored yogurt. Add fresh yogurt to your food as it contains lots of nutrients and protein. If you have a digestion issue, add yogurt to your diet.

9. Sunflower seeds

Sunflower seeds contain selenium and vitamin E. It works as an antioxidant and protects the cells from free radical damage. Sunflower seeds are also good in controlling blood pressure and reducing heart diseases. Many people also use sunflower seeds to control blood sugar levels.

10. Poultry

Chicken is an excellent source of protein. If you are a non-vegetarian then replace red meats with chicken. It has various health benefits like stronger bones, muscle gain, and weight management. Chicken also contains serotonin that can help in lighting your mood.

Along with these food items, you should also eat fruits from time to time. The best fruits for your diet are blueberries, papaya, kiwi, pineapples, watermelon, apples, grapes, avocado, pomegranate, and citrus fruits.