What are the Causes of Anxiety and How to Deal with It?

By | February 21, 2022

Anxiety can be described as the body’s natural response to stress. The person starts fearing the upcoming event. A little bit of anxiety is common. Who doesn’t feel nervous on the first day of school or giving a speech in front of everyone. But when you feel the same nervousness even after weeks or months then you are dealing with anxiety. Many people take anxiety as a simple fear. But it can negatively affect your whole life. Getting proper anxiety treatment Pennsylvania will help you to live your life merrily. When a person is having anxiety, he may face issues in making new friends, applying for job interviews, or talking to new people. After leaving their home, they start feeling very comfortable. 

What are the Causes of Anxiety and How to Deal with It?

What causes anxiety? 

There is no particular cause for anxiety. It can be caused due to different reasons such as genetics, brain chemistry, and environmental factors. Women are more likely to get anxiety disorders. Personality traits like extreme shyness can cause anxiety. A child may develop anxiety if any of the family members have the same disorder. But this may happen due to the behavior he experiences at home. Some people develop anxiety due to any traumatic event in childhood (even in adulthood). Several illnesses such as heart arrhythmias and thyroid problems can cause anxiety disorder.

Type of anxiety

Anxiety is an umbrella term for several disorders. A person may face one of the multiple disorders. 

Panic disorder

Panic disorder is a common type of anxiety where the person feels panic due to upcoming events. The person feels dizziness, palpitations, and short breathing. Panic attacks often create problems while doing any work. The person can’t give an interview or perform well in his speech. Many people also start worrying about panic attacks before the attack. People often avoid situations that can trigger panic disorder. 


Phobia can be described as an intense fear of something. It can be an animal or any object. Getting phobia for certain animals or reptiles such as snakes is natural as they can be deadly. But people also face phobias due to several things that do not cause any harm. Some common phobias include

  1. Spiders
  2. Dogs
  3. Flying
  4. Injections
  5. Height
  6. Honeycomb

Social anxiety Disorder

It is a condition when a person faces fear in a social situation. They start thinking that other people are judging them. Due to social anxiety, people often avoid social situations like gatherings, parties, school functions, etc. 


It is an intense type of fear of being unable to get help or getting overwhelmed. Some people get this anxiety towards the crowd and some may get it due to empty space. Common triggers for agoraphobia are:

Queue or crowds

Enclosed space

Alone in an open space

Public transportation

Some other types of anxiety are OCD, illness anxiety disorder, and PTSD. 

Common symptoms of anxiety disorder

The anxiety symptoms can vary from person to person. Some people face mild symptoms like restlessness and dizziness. But there are various other symptoms to worry about. Some common symptoms of social anxiety are:

Physical symptoms:

  1. Rapid breathing
  2. Restlessness
  3. Dizziness
  4. Increased heart rate
  5. Cold or sweaty hands
  6. Nausea
  7. Stuttering
  8. Muscle tension

Mental symptoms:

  1. Overthinking traumatic experience
  2. Nightmares
  3. Obsessive thoughts

Behavioral symptoms:

  1. Unable to stay still
  2. Loose focus
  3. Try to escape

Best treatments for anxiety disorder

Several treatments are available for dealing with anxiety. People often use medications but the medication can’t cure anxiety disorder. Your doctor may prescribe some therapies to treat anxiety disorder. 

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) 

This is a common type of therapy used by psychotherapists for treating anxiety and various other mental disorders. This therapy is done in phases. Your doctor works with you to overcome the anxiety. The first step is to identify the triggers and negative thoughts. People with illness anxiety disorder often fear to shake hands. They rarely make any contact with others. If they come in any contact they immediately clean their hands. People with illness anxiety often avoid public places or transportation. Once the doctor recognizes the trigger, he will ask to challenge the situation. He starts a very small situation that can make you uneasy and examine your response. When you start facing challenges, psychologists will try to replace the negative thoughts with real ones. 


Medication is prescribed to ease the anxiety attack. Anti-anxiety medication reduces anxiety and can help in boosting tolerance. But anti-anxiety becomes less effective over time. Antidepressants are given to manage brain chemicals for improving mood and stress release. Many people also use beta-blockers to reduce the physical symptoms of anxiety.

Natural treatment and remedies

Some changes in your routine and environment can also help in treating anxiety. Medication and breath control exercises keep you calm in extreme situations. Before the anxious situations, instead of taking antidepressants try dynamic medications. These medicines may look less effective when you start the course. But it can help to manage your anxiety a lot. These remedies are safe and do not cause any harm to the body. Many people also use aromatherapy and yoga to prevent anxiety attacks.