Best Ways to Deal with Social Phobia and Anxiety

By | April 27, 2022

Every person feels nervous while delivering a speech for the first time. Talking in public is not easy for everyone. Anyone can get anxious whenever he faces any new social situation. But after facing the situation a few times, the person feels confident. When a person has a social phobia, he faces that nervousness every time he gets into any social situation. Even if he faces the same situations dozens of times, he feels anxious. Your simple nervousness becomes huge stress for a person with social phobia. A normal situation can become too uncomfortable for some people. 

Best Ways to Deal with Social Phobia and Anxiety

Today, lots of people are dealing with social phobia. This mental disorder usually appears between the ages of 11 to 19. But you can also get it before the age of 10 or in your adulthood. Social phobia is one of the most common types of mental disorder. Now the difficult part is asking for help. People with social anxiety also feel shame for asking for help. The silence makes the condition worse. Instead of treating social phobia, lots of people start avoiding all social situations. 

When does a person face social phobia?

Social phobia is different from person to person. Some people face social phobia only when they speak in public or when they initiate conversions. But many people can face phobia at any social situations like parties, gatherings, or any events. The symptoms of social phobia depend from person to person. A few common situations where a person can face social phobia are:

  1. Speaking in public
  2. Making eye contact
  3. Talking to strangers
  4. Visiting parties
  5. Eating in front of others
  6. Going to school or university
  7. Initiate conversations

Many people also face social phobia in very normal situations like using public restrooms, ordering food, paying bills at convenience stores, asking for directions, etc. For a normal person, these situations are very common. Going to a party is fun for others but it can be a nightmare for some people. 

A person can feel anxious in social situations due to various reasons. Some people feel like they will be judged by other people. They feel humiliated or embarrassed while talking to others. Few people feel anxious while talking as they think they might offend others. Being the center of attention may get them chills. 

What are the common symptoms of social phobia?

Different people may feel different symptoms when they get into social situations. 

  1. Getting very self-conscious
  2. Intense fear of being judged
  3. Feel extremely shy and uncomfortable
  4. Talking with hesitation
  5. Avoiding eye contact

Lots of people also face some physical symptoms like:

  1. Muscle tension
  2. Rapid heartbeat
  3. Blushing
  4. Face redness
  5. Sweating
  6. Dizziness
  7. Unable to catch a breath
  8. Stuttering 
  9. Diarrhea

 A person can feel these symptoms when he faces social situations. But many people can face these symptoms hours or days before the social event. They start thinking about the situation days before the date. 

What are the causes of social phobia?

Like other mental disorders, there is no exact cause of the social phobia. A person can get social phobia for several reasons. Some research shows that social phobia can be genetic. If anyone in the family has social phobia, other members can also face the same anxiety. But it can also occur due to the things they observe at home. A kid can grow social phobia if any of the family members has this disorder. 

Social phobia can occur due to the overactive amygdala. It is a part of the brain that is responsible for controlling fear. Lots of people grow social anxiety around their teenage years. It can occur due to any kind of bullying or teasing. Shy kids often develop a social phobia in their adulthood. 

How can social phobia affect life?

This mental disorder does not cause life-threatening problems. But it can make your whole life a big mess. Today, living as an introvert can be very difficult. Due to your phobia, you may lose lots of good opportunities. People with a phobia often avoid interviews or any kind of events. They may also perform poorly in personal relationships. Due to social phobia, a person can face low self-esteem, depression, negative thoughts, etc. 

Best ways to deal with social anxiety


Many medicines are available to treat social phobia These drugs help in reducing the symptoms of social phobia. People with social phobia, take these drugs before visiting any social gathering or going to an interview. But these drugs may not help everyone. In some people, these drugs may not show any responsive results. Medication can help in dealing with social anxiety but won’t treat the condition permanently. Lots of people become dependent on these drugs. They get more anxious if they don’t take the drugs before the social event. These medicines can also harm the body and cause lots of side effects. Your doctor may also prescribe beta-blockers to you. These drugs are used to control blood pressure and other heart problems. But some of these medicines also help in treating a specific type of social phobia known as performance social anxiety. 

Natural medicines

Several natural medicines are also available to treat social phobia. With social phobia treatment Pennsylvania, a person will feel less anxious in social situations. Your doctor will ask about the situations where you face the phobia. He may ask you for some exercises along with the medicines. These medicines will help to manage social phobia. Natural remedies do not cause harm to the body.

Behavioral therapy

For social phobia, behavioral therapy is the best way to treat the condition completely. But this therapy can take lots of time. Some people can get good results in months whereas some people may take 2-3 years. Your therapist will identify the causes and make strategies to change your way of thinking to face social situations. It is a type of exposure therapy where your therapist will gradually expose you to social situations. It helps to learn that social situations aren’t that bad. He will start with small exposure like asking someone for directions or ordering food. 

Relaxation therapy

Several relaxing therapies like breath control, exercise, and medication can help in facing social phobia. When a person faces social citations, these therapies help to control the symptoms. It may not treat the social phobia totally but can help in tackling the situations smoothly.