Common Signs of Social Phobia in Children

By | January 17, 2022

Social phobia or SP is the fear of talking or performing in a crowd or any social situation. Due to this phobia, they feel humiliated and embarrassed while talking to others. If a child has social phobia, he may be unable to make new friends or have interactions with others. Social phobia is not just a fear but a type of panic condition where the kid might be criticized by others. Many people think that social phobia will disappear with time. But there are huge chances that the kid may carry this phobia throughout his life. Several situations can trigger social phobia in the child such as evaluation at school, reading loudly, talking to unknown people, team games, school festivals, etc.

Common Signs of Social Phobia in Children

Social phobia not only affects the kid’s social life but also causes a negative impact on studies, academics, social relationships, etc. People with social phobia always have low self-confidence. Kids with social anxiety often avoid school events like sports, cultural events, or any type of social activity. They always have a fear of embarrassment in their mind. Treating this phobia in its early state is necessary. Otherwise, your kid may have to face social phobia forever.

Common symptoms of Social Phobia in children

The signs of social phobia in kids are different depending on age. If you diagnose any of the social phobia symptoms in your kid, seek proper treatment.

Signs of SP in Preschool kids

  • Fear on new things or objects
  • Whining
  • Crying
  • Irritability
  • Stop speaking
  • Getting more clingy
  • Freeze in front of other kids or teachers

Signs of SP in kids between the age of 5-12 years

  • Reading loudly in class
  • Answering questions
  • Hesitation while talking to other students
  • Fear while of ordering or purchasing anything
  • Can’t speak to adults
  • Hesitation in attending birthday parties
  • Don’t participate in sports or musical events
  • Fear of friends visit at their home

Signs of SP in teens

  • Always quite
  • Fear of being evaluated or humiliated
  • Prefer wearing hoodies or caps
  • Don’t like long conversations
  • Prevent eye contact
  • Hesitates while asking for any help

There are several other behaviors that you may experience in your kid such as eating alone, refusing to go to school, or avoiding classmates outside the school. This phobia can cause lots of harm in various situations in his life. You should get a social phobia treatment Parsippany for your child. Early treatment of the social phobia can fix the social phobia in less time. A proper treatment will not only help the kid to recover from phobia but also make him more socially open.

Common causes of social phobia

Several factors can cause social phobia in kids. The kids are getting smarter and open these days due to the digital world. However, the rate of social phobia in kids is still increasing.

Heredity Factor

Social phobia can also run in families. Like hair or eye color, social phobia can also pass through generations. However, instead of heredity, the phobia may develop due to the behavior the kid learns at home.

Biological Factor

A brain structure known as the amygdala plays a vital role in controlling the fear response. The overactive amygdala can result in anxiety or phobia.

Environmental Factor

Most of the kids get social phobia due to the negative environment. Kids with very strict parents, sexual abuse, childhood trauma, family conflicts are more prone to get social phobia.

Negative experience

Bullying in school or the internet can cause a social phobia. Many people develop a social phobia after facing any embarrassing situation.

Other Causes

Social phobia can also develop due to facial disfigurement or Parkinson’s disease. These factors can cause self-consciousness and trigger social phobia.

Treatment for social phobia in kids

Relaxation Strategies

Kids can learn new things better than adults. If the kid is facing social phobia then he may take more time in learning this. For treating the phobia and improving his social skills, try to teach him relaxation strategies. Meditation and Yoga are very effective in treating phobias. Several exercises help to ease the tensed muscles.

Work Together

Your kids need you while growing. Sometimes parents can’t give proper time to their kids due to their busy schedules. For the kid, you are his everything. You must talk to him about his school, friends, etc every day. Walkout together on weekends or visit new places. A good bond with the parents and other family members can show positive results in treating social phobia.


Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is used for treating depression but is also very effective in treating social phobia. This therapy uses several techniques for treating the disorder. The techniques for treating social phobia depend on the kid’s behavior and other factors. The main goal of CBT is to identify the reasons for the condition and work on it. The thoughts, behavior, and all other factors are linked to the phobia. Your CBT session is like a student-teacher consultation. Your therapist will help to recover your phobia. Other than CBT, there are also other natural therapies for treating social phobia in kids.