Homeopathic Remedies to Treat Scalp Psoriasis and Itching

By | February 3, 2022

Psoriasis is a type of skin condition that causes increased skin cell production. In light skin tone, you can see the red or pink surface with a silvery scale. In medium skin tone, it occurs in salmon color with a silvery scale. In people with dark skin, you can see psoriasis in violet color with a grayscale. In this condition, the skin becomes so itchy. These patches can be painful and the crack may start to bleed. Psoriasis mainly occurs in the forehead, scalp, backside of ears, and neck. Scalp psoriasis is a chronic illness and can come and go from time to time. 

Homeopathic Remedies to Treat Scalp Psoriasis and Itching

Several factors can trigger Psoriasis on your skin such as alcohol abuse, smoking, stress, etc. Whenever you get Psoriasis symptoms, get proper treatment. A person can get Psoriasis if he is dealing with some chronic inflammation such as arthritis, obesity, insulin resistance, cardiac diseases, high cholesterol, etc. 

Homeopathic treatment for Psoriasis

Homeopathy is one of the best treatments for Psoriasis. Adopting this therapy over allopathic medicine is good as it is fully secure. This treatment is based on the “like cures like” principle. These remedies are based on the substances which can cause the illness symptoms on the healthy body. Homeopathic doctors believe that lowering the doses has the potential of treating the ailment. Psoriasis can be treated using homeopathic remedies. With a proper psoriasis treatment Parsippany, the symptoms reduce and a person can live his life cheerfully. These remedies will reduce the Psoriasis symptoms and also ease the pain. Homeopathic treatment takes more time for treatment but shows excellent results.

Common homeopathic remedies for Psoriasis

Arsenicum Album

This homeopathic remedy is prescribed to people who are more anxious and restless. They feel burning pain, deep chills, and feel pretty exhausted. The skin gets dry and scaly or may get infected. When the person scratches the scale, itchiness gets worse. Instead of scratching, applying heat provides relief. Arsenicum album reduces the symptoms of Psoriasis and provides good relief from pain and itchiness.


Petroleum is prescribed to people who have very dry skin and the symptoms occur in fingertips and palms. The person may feel lots of stress. After stretching, the person feels a cold sensation. The skin gets easily infected and also looks leathery. The itching increases at night when the bed gets warm. This remedy is often prescribed to people who also have motion sickness. A proper intake of this remedy calms the symptoms.


Homeopaths prescribe Graphites to people who have long-term skin disorder issues. The skin starts looking leathery and has lots of cracks and soreness. When the body gets warm, itchiness increases. The skin may start bleeding after scratching it. The person may feel more trouble in the morning. Graphites provide good relief to the body and promote skin softening.


This remedy is given to the person who is feeling irritation due to the skin condition. The skin starts looking red and dry. The person may get Psoriasis symptoms in various parts of the body. Some people also get the Psoriasis condition on genitals and nails. The person may also face hormonal imbalance. Sepia reduces irritability and can help in relaxing. Regular exercise can help in increasing the healing rate and good mood.


Mezereum is given when the person is also facing anxiety. The psoriasis scales get too itchy. Applying cold can help in easing the itchiness. The person may crave fat and feel good in the open air. Mezereum lowers the psoriasis symptoms and the person will feel less itchiness.

Calcarea Carbonica

Homeopathic doctors prescribe this remedy to the person who easily gets fatigued with physical exercises. They are more likely to be obese. The skin issues get worse in winter due to extreme dryness. Calcarea Carbonica provides good relief to the person.

Some other home remedies to treat psoriasis

Homeopathy is a natural remedy that can treat psoriasis and prevent its recurrence. You can also try some other home remedies which can reduce symptoms. These remedies are fully safe and you can easily try them.

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera plant has lots of skin-healing properties. You can get a cream that helps in reducing inflammation and itchiness. You can also cut an aloe vera leaf and carve out its gel. Apply it directly to the skin. Aloe vera will keep the skin moist and heal it.

Coconut oil

Coconut oil contains a lot of healthy fat which is good for the skin. You can massage a few drops of oil daily. The oil will provide good moisture to the skin and remove the scaling. The skin becomes smoother and feels less itchy.

Oatmeal bath

Oatmeal bath is very beneficial when the person is facing symptoms such as itching, flaking, and inflammation. Add a cup of unflavored oats to the warm bath. Wait for some time and then submerge the affected area. Wait for about 10-15 minutes and itching will get reduced automatically.

Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil is good for your skin. This oil is often preferred for treating several skin conditions. You can apply tea tree oil to the affected skin and the inflammation will be reduced.

Some other home remedies for treating psoriasis are capsaicin, avocado, garlic,omega-3 fatty acids, turmeric, etc. Try these remedies to reduce inflammation and treat your psoriasis.