Testosterone Hormone and Its Importance for Men

By | February 4, 2022

Testosterone is a hormone found in humans and also in other animals. In men, testicles make the testosterone hormone whereas in female ovaries make this hormone. Females also have testosterone hormone but in a very small amount. Testosterone production starts increasing when a person hits puberty. After the age of 30, testosterone production starts reducing. This hormone is often associated with sexual intercourse and is crucial for sperm production. Testosterone also affects the muscle and bone mass of the body. 

Testosterone Hormone and Its Importance for Men

Importance of testosterone hormone for men

In men, testosterone plays various roles. There are several body functions that fully or partially depend on testosterone level. Even the person’s mood can get affected by his testosterone level.

Endocrine system

The endocrine system consists of several glands that produce hormones. The hypothalamus tells the pituitary gland how much testosterone the body requires. This gland informs the testicle for hormone production. The most amount of the testosterone hormone is produced by the testicle. But the adrenal gland also releases some amount of testosterone. When a boy hits puberty, testosterone starts developing male attributes such as body hair, deeper voice, beard, etc. It is highly responsible for muscle mass and sex drive. 

Reproductive system 

After the seventh week of conception, testosterone starts forming the male genitals. At puberty, testosterone surges penis growth. A person with low testosterone formation may experience erectile dysfunction.


At puberty, many changes appear due to testosterone. Sexual desire also increases with these changes. If a man’s body is producing less testosterone; he may lose interest in sex. Sexual activity helps in increasing the testosterone level. Testosterone levels may decrease when a person is sexually inactive for a long time. 

Central Nervous System

Your nervous system has control of testosterone production. Testicles produce testosterone when the hypothalamus tells the pituitary gland about the requirement. Testosterone level also affects the behavior and mood of a person. This hormone can boost self-esteem and competitiveness. When the body releases less testosterone, a person may feel motiveless and face low confidence. This condition can also cause sleep issues. 

Hair and body mass 

Testosterone is highly responsible for hair growth in the face, armpits, legs, chest, arms, and around the genitals. Men with low testosterone levels may start losing hair. Testosterone is highly involved in developing muscle and strength. This hormone increases the neurotransmitters which help in tissue growth. Testosterone is essential for body growth. It increases bone density and sends signals to the bone marrow to produce RBC. 

What is low T? What are its possible treatments?

Low T refers to low levels of testosterone. There are several symptoms of low T such as less energy, reduced sex drive, moodiness, less body hair, tinner bones, low self-esteem, etc. The production of testosterone starts reducing after the age of thirty. However, various other factors can affect testosterone production. Any type of testicle injury or treatment like chemotherapy can show negative effects on testosterone production. Several chronic health conditions can decrease testosterone production such as AIDS, various kidney illnesses, etc. In women, low T can occur due to ovary removal or any illness related to the hypothalamus or adrenal glands. 

How to improve testosterone level?

There are several ways for improving testosterone levels in men. Changing your lifestyle can also help in improving your testosterone level. Proper exercise and weight loss can help in maintaining the level. There are various supplements, medications, and therapies for treating low T.

Testosterone boosters

Several supplements are known as testosterone boosters. These products include the ingredients which help in raising the testosterone level. However, these boosters are not very effective and may show only temporary improvement. 

Dynamic treatment 

You can also try dynamic treatment for treating your low T condition. In this type of treatment, your doctor will prescribe the medication depending on your illness and surroundings. In a Low T treatment New York, your testosterone level will start improving without any side effects. These treatments are fully natural and don’t have any type of harmful side effects. With these remedies, remove the root cause of the illness and provide good results.

Testosterone replacement therapy 

There are several gels, liquids, and creams available for improving testosterone levels. These gels work for about 3 to 4 days. You have to be careful while applying the gels. Injections are also available for increasing testosterone levels. They can be used for short-acting or long-acting. There are several medications to temporarily increase the testosterone level. 

Good diet

You can treat your low T condition by having a good diet. Food plays a vital role in maintaining testosterone levels. Eat food that is rich in vitamin D and zinc. Fatty fish is good for balancing hormones. Some other food items you must have on your diet are leafy greens, eggs, shellfish, berries, avocados, cocoa products, etc. Eat good food and do proper exercise to improve your testosterone level.