Learn Different Types of ADHD and Its Treatments

By | February 10, 2022

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a mental disorder that affects a person’s emotions and reactions. Due to this illness, the person may respond differently in certain situations. ADHD symptoms likely start in childhood. The kid may face problems like anger, inattention in class, or getting distracted easily. Adults can also face ADHD issues. 

Learn Different Types of ADHD and Its Treatments

Symptoms of ADHD

  1. Trouble in concentrations
  2. Unable to perform time-taking tasks
  3. Excessive talking
  4. Interrupting others
  5. Making mistakes while reading or writing
  6. Losing stuffs
  7. Trouble in organizing daily work 

Types of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

Predominantly Inattentive ADHD

In this type of ADHD, a person or kid experiences symptoms of inattention. Your kid may perform poorly in class and may get poor grades. Adults or kids who face inattentive ADHD may face symptoms like:

  1. Get bored easily
  2. Always miss some details
  3. Can’t focus on a single task
  4. Face issues in organizing things
  5. Difficulty in learning new things
  6. Lose items such as pencil, notebook, easily
  7. Respond lately for every command
  8. Don’t listen to teachers
  9. May face issues in directions

Girls or females are more diagnosed with inattentive ADHD than men.

Predominantly Hyperactive-Impulsive

In this ADHD, the kid may face hyperactivity issues. They usually seem inattentive and get issues sitting quietly. Kid with hyperactive-impulsive may face problems such as:

  1. Feeling restless
  2. Difficulty in sitting one place
  3. Talking constantly
  4. Impatient
  5. Always ready to go
  6. Talk or comment inappropriately
  7. Trouble in performing activities
  8. Get easily angry in sports

Kids with hyperactive-impulse may disturb the whole class. They may also disturb other students in their studies. Boys face more hyperactive-impulsive issues than girls.

Combined hyperactive-impulsive and inattentive ADHD

In this type of ADHD, the person faces combined symptoms of both categories. Most people face some symptoms of impulsive or inattentive behavior. However, in ADHD, the person faces more severe symptoms. These symptoms can cause issues in studies. The kid with ADHD responds differently from other kids at home and school. They may also face difficulties in social situations. 

Causes of ADHD

There are no exact causes of ADHD. According to research, ADHD can develop in a kid or person due to several mental, physical, and environmental factors. Some common factors that can cause ADHD are:

  1. Brain injury
  2. Intake of alcohol or tobacco during pregnancy
  3. Premature birth
  4. Underweight birth
  5. Exposure to toxins, etc. 

Diagnosis and Treatment for ADHD

Diagnosing ADHD is not simple. Children are usually hyperactive around the age of 6-7. People can consider them naughty. Various other mental illnesses have similar symptoms. Whenever you suspect any symptoms of ADHD in your kid, visit a doctor for ADHD treatment Parsippany


Your doctor will prescribe behavioral therapy to the kid. There are also several medications to treat ADHD but therapy is a better option. Children can learn new behavior easily. In behavior therapy, the therapist will help the kid to learn new skills for fixing the disorder. In this therapy, the therapist checks the response of the kid in a particular situation. He tells the kid how he should behave or react toward the situation. Therapists may start some other therapist such as parental therapy for the treatment. ADHD should be treated at a younger age. This mental illness may cause lots of issues in life. Getting proper treatment will help your kid to improve his behaviors and concentrate on his studies. 


Several medications can help in reducing the symptoms of ADHD. These medications help in improving concentration. The person can easily focus or work. Two different types of medications are prescribed for ADHD; stimulants and non-stimulants. 

Central Nervous System Stimulants

CNS stimulants are the common type of ADHD medication. These drugs increase the amount of dopamine and norepinephrine. These are the brain chemicals that can help in mental relaxation. When a person takes the medication, it starts releasing the paradoxical calming effect. With these medications, you can improve your concentration and focus on the work easily. Some common CNS stimulants of ADHD are amphetamine-based stimulants, dexmethylphenidate, and methylphenidate. 

Non-stimulant Medications

Non-stimulant medication is only prescribed when the stimulants are not showing any positive results. These medicines increase the norepinephrine level in the brain. This brain chemical improves attention and memory. Atomoxetine and antidepressants are the most common types of non-stimulant medications. 

Side effects of ADHD medication

These medications can cause some side effects. Both types of medications have similar side effects such as:

  1. Headache
  2. Nervousness
  3. Trouble sleeping
  4. Dry Mouth
  5. Weight loss, etc. A person can also face some serious side-effects such as hallucinations, allergic reactions, increased blood pressure, suicidal thoughts, etc.

Natural treatment for ADHD

For ADHD, natural treatment is also very helpful. These treatments help to improve the behavior towards others. The person can improve their concentration towards their studies or work. These remedies may take more time than other treatments but have good results. You don’t have to face any type of harmful side effects with these remedies.