What are the Symptoms and Causes of Social Phobia?

By | February 5, 2022

Social phobia or social anxiety refers to a disorder that causes extreme fear in a social situation. People dealing with this order face trouble while talking or meeting new people. The fear is that people will start judging them or making fun of them. People think social phobia is just nervousness. But dealing with social phobia is not easy. Some people think social phobia is similar to shyness. But a person feels shy in the short term. Social anxiety is a long term disorder. The person dealing with social phobia may face issues in work, social situations, or in a relationship. 

What are the Symptoms and Causes of Social Phobia?

Symptoms of social phobia

There are several physical and psychological symptoms of social phobia. 

Physical symptoms

  1. Difficulty in speaking
  2. Trembling
  3. Rapid heart rate
  4. Dizziness
  5. Blushing 
  6. Nausea
  7. Excessive sweating

Psychological symptoms

  1. Start worrying about social gathering
  2. Worrying days before the event
  3. Avoid visiting any social gathering
  4. Less sleep before the day of social event
  5. Feeling stressed

Any person can get anxious in some situations. But when a person is facing social anxiety, he feels that everyone is judging him. The person may start avoiding situations like job interviews, dates, using public restrooms, eating in public, asking some questions, etc. 

Common causes of social phobia

There is no exact cause of the social phobia. A person can get social phobia due to several genetic and environmental factors. People often get social anxiety when they have experienced some bad situations such as bullying, sexual abuse, family conflicts, etc. A person can also get anxiety due to serotonin imbalance. People with an overactive amygdala may get social phobia. According to some research, anxiety can also occur due to heredity. But there are chances that children develop anxiety by watching the adults’ behavior at home. Sometimes, children develop social anxiety when they are controlled by overprotective parents. 

Risk factors for social phobia

There are several factors that can cause social anxiety such as:

Negative Experience

The most common cause of social anxiety is facing any bad situation. Children grow anxious when they experience bullying or teasing at school. Rejection or getting humiliated can cause phobia in their mind. Any bad situation at home like parents’ divorce, death of a family member, sexual abuse cause anxiety disorder.


A child or person can develop a social phobia when his parents or siblings are dealing with this disorder.

New environment

A person starts getting social phobia symptoms in childhood or teenage. But some people develop the phobia after teenage when they move to a new city or meet new people. Any bad experience while giving a speech or presentation can trigger social phobia.

People who shutter or have facial disfiguration can develop social phobia. Whenever they try to talk; they feel like people are judging them which causes the phobia.

Complications due to social phobia

If you don’t treat social phobia, it can cause lots of interference in your life, work, and relationships. This anxiety can cause:

  1. Poor social skills
  2. Low self-esteem
  3. Difficulty in relationship
  4. Failing in interviews 
  5. Negative and suicidal thoughts
  6. Low academics, etc. 

Common treatments for social anxiety 

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

In CBT, the therapist identifies the triggers and helps in making changes in the way of thinking. Exposure therapy is one type of CBT that works by gradually exposure to the social situation. In this therapy, the person faces any unconformable situation until he starts feeling comfortable. This therapy helps to teach the brain that the social situation is not that bad. 

Your therapist will start from a simple situation where you feel less uncomfortable. Once you start dealing with a simple situation; he will move to a more uncomfortable situation. If you stop CBT in the middle then the anxiety symptoms may return. 

Homeopathic therapy 

Homeopathic therapy is also very helpful in treating social phobia. These remedies show good results in treating psychological complications. With a social phobia treatment Pennsylvania, you can live your life positively. This treatment is fully natural and doesn’t cause any toxic side effects. Visit a homeopath and get proper treatment for your condition. 


Beta-blockers are the medications for high BP and heart problems. But the doctor often prescribes these beta-blockers for treating specific phobia known as performance social anxiety. In this phobia, people face anxiety while giving a speech in public while performing on the stage. But you can use beta-blockers for treating social anxiety. Intake of these medications can negatively affect the body. 

Group therapy 

Group therapy helps in learning skills for interacting with people. Participate in a group of people who are facing the same anxiety. In that situation, you face less anxiety and loneliness. It helps to learn new skills for dealing with social anxiety. 

Proper sleep also helps in reducing anxiety symptoms. When you sleep, you will feel less stressed and anxious. You should avoid food that can trigger anxiety such as coffee, chocolate, soda, etc.